The front
The back
First Floor
Second Floor
Can you see the fear in Kaden's eye's
Kaden peeing in a pile of rocks of be a boy!
My dad and Brandaan
Brandaan and Reese...
My dad...
Zack and Brandaan playing with their toys!
My dad...
I'm sure she thinks she's helping in some way.
Brandaan with his shiny new toy!
Our house is nestled right in the trees. My dad had to take out some of the trees and BRANDAAN and ZACK cut them all into logs. BRANDAAN came home one day with a shiny new chainsaw and my mouth fell open and followed with lots of laughing. I'm sure you're all as surprised as me that BRANDAAN could run a chainsaw. I would think you would have to get some kind of training...not if you're BRANDAAN. Well, he did cut his pants right open! Luckily, our friend ZACK was a logger for a long time and was able to show BRANDAAN the ropes. ZACK had about fifteen trees cut when BRANDAAN finished his third. If you ask BRANDAAN the reason for that is because BRANDAAN'S trees were so much larger! Right! That's totally BRANDAAN!
We should be ready soon for the foundation!