Tuesday, September 8, 2009

KaDEn's 1st DaY oF ScHooL!

KADEN was more than ready for school to start today.  He woke up this morning in a great mood and put on his clothes as fast as KADENLY possible.  This is so not the norm for our KADEN.  We are usually pulling him out of bed kicking and screaming with him telling us he "needs five more minutes and turn off the light!"  After he got dressed he went into REESE'S room and told her to hurry up and get ready because his friends were waiting for him at school and they were missing him.  He was so excited.  Last year, he cried when I left his classroom. Today he simply slapped me a high five and said "see ya."  He's getting so grown up.


Sandy said...

yay Kaden! I wish we had as cool of a preschool here as you guys have!

Kelly Munns said...

haha! what a funny boy. "see ya" i'm surprised he didn't call you dude or something :)