Wednesday, December 26, 2007

MeRrY ChRisTMaS!

We made our way to California this year to celebrate Christmas, and it was by far our favorite.  Mostly, because our kids were at the perfect age.  Kaden was so excited for Santa to come.  He put out a plate of cookies, a mug of egg nog and carrots for the reindeer.  
After the kids were in bed, Brandaan and I put together Kaden's new train set.  It was a lot bigger of a job than we thought.  Brandaan even had to swallow his pride and use the directions!  Reese's four-wheeler was a lot easier.
Brandaan's mom had a stencil of Santa's footprints.  Brandaan used baby powder and the stencil to make footprints coming from the fireplace.  It really looked just like footprints coming in from the snow.  Of course the footprints were leading in the wrong direction.    Even though we made a rookie mistake, Kaden didn't catch on.  
Sheryl had all kinds of Christmas goodies for us to snack on while we opened our presents.  We also had the traditional DeGroot Strata.  It was so yummy, we all had seconds.
We all were more than pleased with our presents.  Happy smiles were all around this Christmas.


Sandy said...

I'm totally laughing that your "rookie mistake" was putting the footprints in the wrong didn't notice that it doesn't SNOW in California? Heehee:) We missed you guys - but your gifts were a BIG hit!

Truly and Shane said...

Melissa! I found you! Hey I bet you won't believe me...but I HATE that we only saw each other in church, sometimes. You're the cutest girl in the world. I'm so sad you moved! Really I am- you have no idea. Why didn't we hangout?! I am such a bad friend! I think it's one of those situations where you don't know what you have have until it's gone... the ward sucks without you- well it kind of sucks anyway :)

Anonymous said...

Miss you! I would LOVE an update!!!

Lindsey S. said...

Melissa! Truly told me about your blog! I was so excited to see the adorable pictures of your family. I told her all about how we met at the Nash's. So you moved out of Utah? Where you guys at? I can't believe that. Even though its been so long, I need someone to pump me up to go to kick boxing again! haha Anyway, How are you? What are you up to?