Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ho, Ho, Ho!

Santa giving him a gift.
Kaden opening his present from Santa.
Kaden's school had a Christmas Concert this year.  His class sang two songs, in which we spent an entire month memorizing.  I'm sure I wasn't the only mom in the audience singing along quietly.  I was on the edge of my seat the entire time because Kaden had cold feet and decided right when we got there that he wouldn't be joining his class.  What?  After some extreme coaching, he decided he wanted to sing with them (mostly because his teacher said he could shake the bells during the song.)  He sang both songs and knew all the words.  When he was done, I could finally breathe.  I never knew these things could be so stressful.  How come nobody told me?  Thanks fellow moms!


Sandy said...

Yay, Kaden! Wish we could have been there to cheer for you!

Trav and Linds said...

Cute Holiday pic's! Poor Reese that is so sad! Your kiddies are adorable though!