Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The First Snow of the Year!

We came out of the house to find KADEN making Snow Angels.  We didn't even know he knew what Snow Angels are!

Oh, Christmas Tree... Oh, Christmas Tree...

REESE decided she's rather undecorate the tree instead.

A Trip To The E.R.

Brandaan and I had just sat down in our seats in Sunday School when one of the ladies from Nursery called to me from the doorway.  I thought, "Oh great, a poopy diaper already.  It's only been five minutes!"  The lady then told me that Reese had an accident and was bleeding.  My heart sunk and I rushed down the hallway towards the Nursery.  Reese was screaming at the top of her lungs while two other ladies were holding a wet paper towel to her forehead.  She removed the paper towel when I got closer and blood just started gushing.  I started to panic and asked another lady to get Brandaan.  I'm the worse in these kind of situations and he's always so calm.  Luckily, we have a lady in our ward that's a nurse and told her we should take her to the E.R. and get her stitches.  We pulled Kaden out of Primary and headed for the hospital.  After Reese was buckled into her carseat, she began to calm down.  She then noticed that her new dress had blood all over it.  She started crying again and kept saying over and over, "oh nooo, my dreth..."  She's my daughter through and through.  

We met with the doctor and he said she needed stitches. They suggested Kaden not be there.  I left the room and waited with Kaden out in the lobby. We could hear Reese screaming all the way out where we were waiting.  Kaden asked, "mommy, why are they hurting my sister?"  I explained to him that they were helping her and he decided he wanted to go see her.  We went into the hospital room and Kaden took one look at her and said he was ready to go back to the lobby.  It was so funny, he was so worried.  When the crying stopped, Kaden and I went back into the room.  Reesey was given 4 stitches and Brandaan said he could see her bone.  The doctor did a great job.  I wish I had a before photo.  I didn't have my camera, having to rush and all.  The gash was really wide and deep.  The doc sewed it together so well, it looks like it will be a thin scar.  Reese went back to being upset about her blood stained dress and wanted her necklace and shoes back on.  She would dress like she was ready to go to Church every day of the week if I'd let her.  After she got all her precious items returned to her, she gave the doc and the nurses all hugs and said, "bye."(with her little wave)

Kaden and Reese playing around the house...

Yes, those are underwear on her head...
Eating a snack and watching Little Mermaid II...
Ready for the snow...
She sleeps with the bunny Gramma DeGroot made for her when she was born.


oodlesofoversons said...

Oh...poor Reese! Glad she's ok.

Sandy said...

Your kids are so cute - even in a crisis:) We're still laughing over here every time someone mentions Reese proudly showing us her underpants on Skype a couple weeks ago at Mom and Dads. Looks like she proudly wears them as a hat, too:)

Kelly Munns said...

oh they are so sweet. i love little reese's personality. i can totally see this little mini you walking around. i'm sorry you had to go through your little ER visit, but i'm glad everything is ok. and for heaven's sake, i've been checking your blog forever and finally the fruits of my labor appeared! thanks for the post. it's good to see your little babies :)

Natasha Ireland said...

ooh I can imagine how terrified you were. So glad she is ok. Sweet lil' girl. Miss u guys.

Anonymous said...

i want her panties